Little is concealed in Vermont. Lies are of the little white variety; few and far between and usually reserved for nosey strangers who are probably up to no good anyway, especially if it has something to do with the murder of someone they used to know.
Including an introduction by imprint editor Alex Belth.
About The Stacks Reader Series
The Stacks Reader Series highlights classic literary non-fiction and short fiction by great journalists that would otherwise be lost to history—a living archive of memorable storytelling by notable authors. Brought to you by The Sager Group with support from NeoText
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Marguerite Del Giudice is a former award-winning staff writer for The Philadelphia Inquirer and The Boston Globe. She has written for a number of national magazines, including cover stories for The New York Times Magazine and National Geographic. A natural-born generalist, she approaches life and her work with a beginner’s mind—her topics ranging over the decades from adventure travel, politics, and murder to the Mafia, UFOs, family, and the mysteries of life. Her short
story “The Human Nature” was a finalist for the 2013 American Fiction Short Story Prize, and she once wrote a novel, based on a trip she took around the world, that now sits in a box in her cellar in suburban Philadelphia, where she lives with her husband and two cats now that their sons are happily on their own. She has taught magazine writing
at Temple University, edited a few books, worked as a life coach, and trained in and taught aikido, the Japanese martial art known as “The Way of Peace,” in which she holds the rank of sandan,
third-degree black belt. She is currently delving into the nature of reality, purely for her own edification.