Nephtali plans a trip to Dubai as a surprise for his girlfriend Angelica’s birthday, after months of her urging him to take a much needed break from his life as a hustler on the streets of Harlem, and to get him away from partner, Jay.
While on their trip, they encounter a mysterious stranger, who Angelica finds extremely intriguing, much to Nephtali’s dismay. Annoyed by the situation, he confronts the stranger, and an altercation ensues, where Nephtali is rendered unconscious.
Waking up back in his bed, dazed, bewildered and alone, Nephtali frantically searches for Angelica but realizes she’s nowhere to be found.
A social media post is the only clue he has to Angelica’s whereabouts. Nephtali uses this information and solicits help from Jay and his uncle Jimmy to rescue her from the clutches of the mysterious stranger, who he learns is far more sinister than he could ever imagine.
No matter how ominous the foe, Nephtali’s love for Angelica fuels his determination to wage war in a foreign land and bring her back home safely.
Will he succeed? Or will he succumb to the unknown forces of evil that await him?
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